Yuriko Hase KOJIMA's Profile
Dr. Yuriko Hase Kojima is a Japanese woman composer, researcher, and the Professor of Composition at Shobi University in Japan, specializing in composition, theory, and computer music. She also teaches as a lecturer at Toho Gakuen School of Music and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.
After studying piano performance at Osaka College of Music, Yuriko Hase Kojima moved to Tokyo and studied composition privately with Isao Matsushita. In 1990, she went to the United States for her formal studies in composition for ten years. She got another Bachelor’s (1993, Boston Conservatory), M.A. (1996) and D.M.A. (2000) degrees in composition from Columbia University, where she was awarded the Andrew Mellon fellowships to serve as TA and Rapaport Composition Prize. She studied music composition, computer music, music theory, aesthetics and philosophy of music, with Tristan Murail, Jonathan Kramer, Fred Lerdahl, George Edwards, and Brad Garton, among others. In 1997, she also studied Betsy Jolas and Philippe Leroux at the American Academy in Fontainebleau, France.
Her music expands from contemporary European Classical music idiom to Asian music tradition, combining styles and techniques from different part of the world. Her works have been presented at various international festivals and concerts, including the International Society for Contemporary Music's "World Music Days" (2000 in Luxembourg, 2017 Vancouver), the Asian Composers League's "Asian Music Week" (2000 in Yokohama), the International Computer Music Association's "International Computer Music Conference" (1997 Thessaloniki, 2005 Barcelona, 2006 New Orleans, 2007 Copenhagen, 2018 Daegu, 2019 New York), the Fontainebleau Music Festival in France, the International Guitar Festival in Mexico, and the CrossSound New Music Festival in Alaska, among others, and performed by ensembles such as Ensemble Modern (Germany), the Pearls Before Swine Experience (Sweden), Azure Ensemble (USA), and Ruckus Ensemble (USA), New York New Music Ensemble, to name a few. In April 2021, Dr. Kojima composed a new piece for string quartet called “From Sunken Garden” for Voyager Ensemble to premiere at the concert named “Japanese Connection” and gave a masterclass for UMBC’s composition students. (https:// artsandculture.umbc.edu/event/the-japanese-connection/)
Dr. Kojima also continues her researches on contemporary music, electroacoustic music and music theories and presents papers at the conferences such as Electroacoustic Music Studies Network and the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. At conferences, she has been serving as a session chair, a paper reviewer, and a special committee member in Asian studies. Since 2008, she has been conducting researches on Japanese electroacoustic music and its history, aesthetics and analysis, such as musical analysis of Takemitsu’s “Water Music.” Her current research focuses on Japanese/Asian composers and researchers who worked on their projects at historical Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center. Regarding on it, Dr. Kojima presented a paper at TAma Music and Arts Festival 2021 (https://tamafes.tumblr.com/) in Tokyo and invited to give a talk and serve as a panelist at a symposium “Unsung Stories” in April 2021 hosted by Columbia University. (https://www.unsungstoriescmc.com/)
Dr. Kojima is a member of the International Computer Music Association, IRCAM Forum, Japan Society for Music Perception and Cognition, the Japan Society for Contemporary Music, and the Japan Federation of Composers, by whom her pieces have been published and recorded for JFC Japanese Composers Series. For more than twenty years, she has been active as the founder and the artistic director of Glovill, a non-profit organization established to introduce new music to Japan.
1962年 徳島県生まれ。大阪音楽大学ピアノ科卒業して5年間、東京で音楽活動をした後、1990年に渡米。1991年1月ボストン音楽院作曲科に編入。首席賞、最優秀賞、ロジャー・セショーンズ作曲賞を受賞し1993年5月に卒業、全米音楽家協会に推薦登録される。その後、コロンビア大学ALPを経てコロンビア大学大学院に進学し、1996年5月修士課程修了および2000年5月博士課程全修了。音楽芸術博士(D.M.A.)。在学中、ラパポート作曲賞を受賞する他、アンドリュー・メロン・フェローシップ等を獲得し、TAとしてコロンビア大学の講師を務めた。
現在、尚美学園大学芸術情報学部音楽表現学科作曲専攻主任教授、国際交流センター長。桐朋学園大学、桐朋女子高等学校、洗足学園音楽大学非常勤講師。2001-02年シーズンにNPO Glovillを創立。以来、理事および芸術監督として、国際交流を軸に演奏会やワークショップを企画し、芸術音楽の普及と発展のために社会貢献活動を続けている。